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Music magazine- Front cover, contents and Double page spreed analyse

On this front cover there is a full size page image of Nicole scherzinger. Her costume is black and the background is light grey making the masthead and the subheadings stand out. this is because it is in bright colour’s. using the colour’s pink, bright yellow and white is effective in front of the costume and the background, also showing us that it is more of a magazine for women. another thing that tells us this magazine is for women is the subheading ‘ Beauty saviours that will change your life’ women want to know beauty secrets and tips, this will make the women want to by this magazine.

On this front cover, there is a full size image of Sarah Chang. She is wearing gentle clothing which goes with the theme of the magazine. By looking at this magazine, you can immediately tell what type of magazine it is. Also above the masthead in black font standing out from the white background, ‘the worlds best-selling classical music magazine’ appealing to audiences who have an interest in classical music. The masthead is a reflection of what the magazine is about, looking at the masthead it has quite a calm font and classical music is calm. The colour scheme is kept simple, also reflecting the classical music, not complicated. The name of who the magazine top story is about, it the same colour as the masthead. underneath the name of the women is ‘the insane challenges of playing Shostakovich’ this makes the readers interested on that story.

This NME  contents page has two different contents. One is about what the magazine features as in storties and the other is the band index, telling the readers which band features where. They kept the masthead the same as it is on the front cover putting read fotn against black background making it stand out. the colours are the normal ones for nme, white, black and red. The colours of the band are shown in red and the page reference in black to make it is easier for the reader. On this contents page they have added a advertisement. The representation for this NME magazines content page is the rock genre this is because the images that have been used represent rock music.

This is a contents page for Q. The colour scheme is kept the same as the front cover. The colour scheme is simple and effective to the readers, as it is easy to read.they are contrasting colours, which allows the text to stand out more easily. On the contents page they have only shown a few of the stories the magazine features. They have left no spare room on this, which is a positive because it shows that they have used the space effectively.

This double page spearead features a full image of the black-eyed peas. using the colour of their costumes similierd to eachother. Also the colour of the costumes go well with the actual colour scheme of the 2 pages. Keeping both pages with the same colour scheme. The people in the image are set out alomst like stages. showing the readers who is the main person in the group. The text box used on the left hand side is a rhetorical question,”will he wont he?”, this draws attention to the readers and will make them want to find out the answer in the article. The text isnt overwhelming which tells us that the target audince is the younger generation.

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